Conversion to Judaism

Choosing Judaism at Temple B’nai Jeshurun

The paradigm for choosing Judaism is found in the Book of Ruth. Ruth replies to her mother-in-law, Naomi, in words that define the spiritual journey:

Do not urge me to leave you or to return from following you. For where you
go I will go, and where you lodge I will lodge. Your people shall be my
people, and your God my God.
Ruth 1:16.

Just as there are many pathways into Judaism, there are a multitude of ways to move forward on a personal journey to Judaism at the Temple. Because everyone’s journey is different, those interested in joining the Jewish people work with Rabbi Kaufman to create a pathway that is right for him or her. In additional to individuals, families often choose to become Jewish as a group, and many have journeyed into Judaism with Rabbi Kaufman through the years.

Rabbi Kaufman believes that the journey is not merely an educational one that leads to understanding, but is truly a process of becoming part of the Jewish people. Some commitment to attending services and programs as well as adult educational programming is an expected part of the process and you are welcome to attend any and all services, programs, and classes that the Temple offers.

When you finish the process, you can officially join the congregation as a member and participate fully in the life of the congregation, including potentially taking on leadership positions as many Jews-by-choice at the Temple have in the past.

For more information or to schedule an appointment with the rabbi, please feel free to email Rabbi Kaufman at or call the Temple office at 515-274-4679.

To connect with other individuals who are going through this process, visit our Welcome to the Tribe page!